Spend Advantage Podcast

How To Manage and Secure Remote Employees Devices Automatically

Varisource Season 1 Episode 52

Welcome to The Did You Know Podcast by Varisource, where we interview founders, executives and experts at amazing technology companies that can help your business save a lot of time, money and grow faster. Especially bring awareness to smarter, better, faster solutions that can transform your business and give you a competitive advantage----https://www.varisource.com

Welcome to the did you know Podcast by Varisource, where we interview founders and executives at amazing technology companies that can help your business save time and money. And grow especially, bring awareness to smarter, better, faster solutions that can transform your business. 1.4s Hello, everyone. This is Victor with varisource.

Welcome to another episode of the Did You Know Podcast. Today I'm excited to have grow work with US. CEO. Carlos who's? The CEO? Founder of Growrk. Growrk is a smart It equipment management platform available globally across 150 countries today. Welcome to the show, Carlos. Thank you for 


the invitation, Victor. Happy to be here. 


Yeah, every time I talk to you, your energy is infectious, and there's a lot of great discussions to talk to you about. But if you don't mind, maybe give the audience a little bit of your kind of CEO, founder background and founder story, that's always fun. 


Yeah, no, happy to talk about that. Thanks again for having us here and yeah, look, Grow Work, it's kind of my third venture backed company. 1.7s I've been doing this for quite a few years. It's been interesting solving multiple problems and trying to solve multiple problems. But before this, I was a co founder of another company called Castle One, based out of San Francisco, backed by well known investors like Axel Partners that raised close to $80 million and basically building grower. The idea of building grower came out of scaling Kata One. We started hiring a lot of engineers in India and other places outside of the Bay Area, and I came across the pain points that we set out to solve with Grower, which is how do you manage the devices that those team members have to have? When they are not in your so you know, I identified that as a growing pain point for companies that were doing exactly the same as us. And mind you, this was obviously before the Pandemic. So we just noticed that there were a lot of companies embracing this idea of distributed 


work because the cost benefits were quite high, right? Hiring an engineer in the bay area, having to compete it against the Googles, the Facebooks versus finding similar talent in India or Latin America was kind of a no brainer for us and a lot of companies were starting to notice that. Then the pandemic arrived and it accelerated all this trends that we had been seeing around remote distributed work. And so we find ourselves today in this situation or scenario where after all that experience there has been a fundamental mind shift for workers and organizations that have identified or have realized that remote in fact works for them and it's preferable. And so around that or to support the growth of organizations that are following a fully remote or a hybrid structure, you have to develop new solutions that enable these organizations to scale. Right? And we're part of 


that suite of solutions out there along with 2.5s employer record payments, contracts, legal insurance, It equipment, It infrastructure management is a big one and we are specialized 


in that. 4.3s You know, obviously when you have global offices, everything becomes harder. And there's a couple different buckets. One bucket is you're a US company. You're finally getting ready to go global and opening up maybe new offices, expanding. But you've never dealt with global situations before. So there are so many things you need to know, so many things you need to manage. And then you have companies that have been global for a long time. They have resources around the world, maybe It teams, each of the offices, but there's still challenges. And then the third bucket that you actually kind of told me about is, yes, your specialty may be global because it's much more challenging, but any distributed teams, even us, only, is going to have challenges. So the first question for you is, just based on what I just said, because we have a lot of executives, the CEOs, CFOs, listening to this podcast, not just the It team, how would you describe to the executive? What are some of the challenges they will face when they have a distributed workforce and team, whether that's domestic and or global? 1s Yeah, that's a great question. A lot of our customers are global companies. They're hiring from anywhere. Really? The objective of this organization is to attract the best talent anywhere in the world. Right. It gives them a leg up against competitors because they don't have to struggle with attracting good talent if you have that remote flexibility. And there's also a cost advantage because it this is this is quite obvious, right? Why? Hiring in a high cost area where you can find talent in lower cost areas. And that's just natural. It's happening, and we see that on a daily basis. But as I was mentioning earlier, the challenge is how do you support those team members that are located in places outside of your home office? Right? And that's where we come in. We provide those solutions to these team members that are outside of that geographic coverage. We handle all of their It needs procurement, delivery, recoveries, maintenance, et cetera for those team members so that they're always up and running and 3.4s there's no downtime because of any issues around their 


equipment that they need to use. And then the second important aspect of It is compliance. Security, compliance. As companies continue to scale, distributedly, there are more opportunities for. 3.9s Or more risks around cybersecurity. So it's importantly critical for organizations that are scaling in a distributed world to ensure that each device is properly secure, enroll in a mobile device management solution, and that they have control over what happens to that hardware or those assets at any given point throughout the lifecycle. And that's exactly what Growwork focuses on doing. Now, your question around whether this is only for remote or distributed companies internationally or based in the US. The reality is that even if you have remote workers in the US. And you have team members working in other locations outside of an office, you run into the same scenarios as if you were hiring those team members in remote international locations. You normally might have an It team that is handling this, the logistics of delivering retrieving devices or handling any issues that those team members might experience. But it normally is time consuming. There's a lot of manual work, and so that's where we come in and really make this organization shine, right? Like, why would you have an It team focused on this low 2.8s kind of tasks, right? Mundane tasks of shipping and delivering or recruiting devices or following up with ex employees to ensure that you get those devices returned. It's just a complex operation. It takes a lot of time. And that's what we specialize in. We help companies out automate all of these processes at the touch of a button, and you're able to realize immediate savings in terms of time and cost right away. 1.1s


It. And that automation. The word automation, I want to come back to that in a second. But can you give some examples against to the executives where they say, hey, I guess it's working today, somebody's doing it in my company, right? And so obviously they understand efficiency. But can you give maybe two or three examples of why is it so difficult for companies to do this themselves versus with you guys? And then talk about maybe how you guys automate? Is that through a system? Is that through people? How do you automate that? Yeah, 


so the first thing is that the way companies do it today is that you might have a team, internal team that handles this, right? But I guarantee you, you might have an It closet somewhere there in your office. And you don't know how many devices you have, how many devices you could potentially continue using. But instead of that, what you do is you buy a new device every time that a new team member gets onboarded. And so 


what's happening there is that you just have this closet with It equipment that is accumulating dust, right? It's not going anywhere, not being redeployed, it's not even being disposed of. It's just sitting there. And so we have identified organizations, customers that were able to unlock a lot of value just by simply onboarding those assets onto the grower platform. Because once they're onboarded on the grower platform, we can ID each of those devices. We can determine whether those devices are in good conditions to be redeployed, or whether those devices need to be disposed through recycling program or a buyback offer, which we're able to provide as well if those devices are in good condition. So that's the first thing, right? Providing real time visibility on your It assets at any point anywhere in the world is a big value. Add that information, that data typically is not available easily to all stakeholders, finance operations, It, HR, et cetera. What Grower does is that we're able to consolidate all list stakeholders within one platform that provides you with that easy visibility. 


Furthermore, because goes beyond just having visibility, right? You can actually have control over where those assets are located or what happened to those assets at the touch of a button, right? So traditional asset tracking systems, they only do that. They just track those assets. With a platform like Rowwork, you could automate things like, all right, this device has reached full depreciation after three, four years, whatever it is that you have decided. 1.3s What do we do next? Okay, I want to sell it, or I want to recycle it. Just click here and that's it. We'll take care of it, right? If it's recycled, we'll provide you with data destruction certificates so your team remains compliant around their information security requirements. Or we can provide 


you with liquidity, right? 


Because we can unlock value that has been trapped in that capex that you already have invested in and that has been sitting there collecting dots for quite a few years. At the touch of a button, you basically click there. We recover those devices, inspect them in our local warehouses, in any of the countries, the US. Or abroad, and we'll provide you with an offer on those assets so you can get 1.2s some liquidity unlocked on that capital. Right? So those are kind of some examples of things that we can do automatically. But again, the biggest thing that we do for organizations today is provide you with the visibility and the information that you need to make informed decisions around where do you allocate your capital, how to be more efficient about your capital. That's the first and most important thing that organizations are looking for today. The second one is obviously providing a good support and onboarding and offboarding experience to team members, right? No longer have to have your team members, your It team, running around to ensure that a device is delivered on time or recovered on time. Whenever a team member is afforded, you can simply log into your Dashboard, the Global Dashboard, and execute that command, and the service will be executed on time. So those are kind of some of the big examples of the use cases that we handle on a daily basis here for thousands of employees globally. 1.5s


Yeah. No, I love it. And honestly, again, the reason why we called our podcast Did You Know? Is because what I realized is that for all the successful people, successful companies, a lot of times, they just knew something that a better way, a better supplier, a better vendor, a better data source, something that they knew more than you did. It wasn't that they're genius and you're not. Right. It's just that, hey, they knew to improve their business and margins and liquidity and all of these things, there was a growwork solution out there. They just didn't know that, right? They just thought, oh, well, I got people doing it. What's the problem? And it works. But like you said, these It teams have so many things they got to work on. They got to run the business, they got to support it. And now you want them to go chase people down the laptop. And I think a lot of executives, if they think about it, it's like, oh, we hire an employee. It's so easy. Suppliers make it very easy for you to just go click, buy a new laptop, ship it to the person. Done. Easy. It made it easy for the It team. However, that's costing the company more money, because you already invested tons of money on all these equipment. But a lot of time, I think, like you said, finance executives or finance or executives just don't have that visibility to even know common sense. Well, yeah, we bought 100 laptops. Why was it just sitting there, that's money? If that was your own house, you wouldn't do that, right? Right. I think that's amazing. So we're going to come back to, obviously, the onboarding and offboarding side of it, but you've talked about security. I think that is, if you can maybe spend a couple of minutes on security. 1.7s What are the obviously security is very important with, especially remote, right? These people are in different countries and you send a device and who knows what's going to happen there. Can you kind of talk about how you can help companies a few minutes on the security side for the executives, maybe for the company, but then also for the It team who may not have time and effort and time zone and everything to do all of that? 


Absolutely. So the way we handle security, it's pretty easy. Basically, each of these remote endpoints have to be either image with the solutions that your organization is using around cybersecurity or they need to be enrolled in a mobile device management solution that allows your team to internally manage this remotely. Right? And so a lot of the times what we have found is that many companies are not keeping track of this, right? They might hire someone remotely and they might believe that those endpoints are enrolled in their MDM, but they are not verifying it or keeping track of it, right? So a solution like Growwork enables you to ensure that all of these assets are in fact enrolled in your MDM or image with the software that you require and that it's following or are following your policies that your It security team might have already designed, right? And they're properly deployed and maintained in each of these endpoints. Now, that's super important because obviously risks evolve and again, you have to be updated. You have to make sure that all those endpoints are covered, properly covered, or that you're able to lock down and wipe those assets if needed at the touch of a button as well in case of an emergency right situation. And so the other component to it is actually having control over the assets itself. Because even if you have this 1.6s security items in place if you for example are dealing with engineers that are highly sophisticated in Latin America or in India, even if you do remote live or send a command to shut it down. They have the capabilities, technical capabilities, to go around it and have access to whatever data is sitting in those devices that might be critical or sensitive. Right? And so, increasingly, having control over the actual device, the actual physical asset is important. And that's another component that we help address through the Grower platform. Those are kind of two of the use cases that we focus on. We ensure that each asset, each endpoint is enrolled in the mobile device management solution that is preferred or used by the organization. We ensure that those devices are imaged with the software requirements that the organization has and we have control over recovery delivering devices whenever it's required. 1.7s


So Carlos, what about devices that maybe so I think there's a couple options that you can kind of maybe explain real quick is the customer maybe buys from a VAR, right? Currently Cdwshi, whatever VAR they buy with today after they buy it is then to get those equipment shipped to you guys for them to do the It management or I think the customer can they also buy the equipment from you as well? Well, versus buying from the VARs. Can you talk about maybe a few options 


there? Absolutely, yeah. So the grower platform is very flexible. It's really made to 1s be customizable to whatever needs our customers have. And you can buy through us or you can buy through third party vendors, whichever that might be, and just have ship the devices to our warehouses in the US or abroad and we'll handle 


the deployment of those devices. I would add the following around advantages of working with grower the first one is that as we scale in multiple countries in multiple places, we obviously have a lot larger purchase volume in each of those customers in each of those countries. So what that allows us is to obtain better pricing negotiation. And so what we do is that we negotiate on behalf of our customers for better deals on equipment. You might only have a need for 10, 20, 50 devices, but overall that month already bought 1000 devices in that country. Right. And so what that enables us to do is to effectively again pass through those cost savings to our customers. That's the first thing. 1.8s And the second one is that again, you don't have to buy devices through us. You can know if you have you're satisfied with. 1.1s Your vendor, your current vendor, whatever that is, you can continue using that vendor and just simply either ship it directly to your employees when needed or send it to a warehouse and we'll manage that. And the third one would be forecasting. It's important. And this is another benefit of using the grower platform, 1s is that we have noticed that a lot of procurement departments don't really have this data. Right. They might want to work with their HR team to get a forecast of, hey, how many team members do we expect to onboard this quarter? And they might get a figure. But increasingly, it's just more difficult to predict how many team members you will get on board at any given point. So what that happens is that there is a misalignment between the time that it takes to procure a certain device and especially the case abroad, that in the US. In the US. You don't have a lot of these issues anymore, at least 


what happened during the pandemic or after pandemic, where there were big supply chain issues. Right. But if you are working remotely and you're hiring in Brazil or India, and you customize devices that take several weeks or months to get done, it's important that you have this information handy because it will be very difficult to have those devices delivered on time if those orders are placed in late. Right. And so that information is very inaccurate. What we are doing here is that we're building AI models that enable companies to really predict where they're going to be hiring and how many team members are going to be hiring, and how many devices they should have in stock at any given point so that we can deliver on time the devices that are required. So this forecasting capabilities enables you to have more predictability into what your capital expenses are going to look like in any given period, 1.1s which is a big 1.5s win for finance accounting teams that are consistently struggling to figure it out, how much they should allocate in capex, which is not a small line item in a company's budget. 


Yeah, no, I love all these use cases. You're just really hitting it out of the park. You're hitting it right on these pain points that I was going to ask you about. One of the topic that I want you to spend more time maybe giving more examples and guidance on, which I'm excited to talk about is onboarding and offboarding. And I'll give a couple of examples. Obviously, onboarding, we talked a lot about out kind of what you just mentioned. And to some degree, onboarding maybe is a little bit easier since, again, even if you're buying new devices and you shouldn't, well, okay, you spend the money, at least you one click ship it to them, those type of things. But offboarding. Right. I want to give this example of and I'm sure anybody who's worked for an international company or international business. 1.3s Imagine you send a laptop to even somebody in the US, let alone internationally in another country, you now have now, for whatever reason, they're leaving. You've got to collect that company asset, which is a very important asset. It's an investment. It's an asset. There's a lot of information in there. There's a lot of data in there. There's a lot of proprietary tools in there. You need to collect it. Right offboarding to me again, I look at it as like, do you really want your It team to be a debt collector? You want them to spend the time to go collect these laptops? And do you really think you just send one email and then they're like, sure, let me go straight to my post office right away, right now, in 2 hours, and ship it back to you? Like, no, they're leaving. Meaning maybe they left in a bad way, or maybe they just left. They're no longer with your company. What incentive do they have to now help your business, right? Especially if they're international. It sounds so simple. And I think what you and I would agree on is most people prefer to go the route of, you know what? That didn't happen. You keep it. Good luck. I will never see you in my life again. Right? And that, again is lost the money. The asset is gone. Potentially sensitive data. It sounds so simple. 1.4s And maybe some of the It team, because of the situation, have to do it that way. But that is just risky in so many different ways. Right. So kind of walk me through 1.2s maybe a little bit more on what you see in the situation I talked about, plus, how do you guys kind of solve that? 1.1s


Absolutely. And the way you describe it is exactly the way 


how most organizations handle it today, which is suboptimal. Instead of dealing with the hassle of chasing an ex employee and trying to get that equipment recovered, they just forget about it. Yeah, they can keep it. And that's that ignoring, obviously, the sum costs and 1.7s the risk of data breaches, et cetera. Right. Which is a very terrible position to be in. And when you're a small company, that might not be a big deal, but the type of customers that we work with, they have thousands of employees, hundreds or thousands of employees 


globally or in the US. And it adds up right. By all this 


equipment that you let your team members keep for whatever reason after they leave, it adds up to millions of dollars 1.4s at any given year. So if you're not disciplined about managing those assets carefully, it can become a big haul in your books. And so that's exactly what we solve. Precisely. For organizations that don't want to be dealing with that pain point, which 


is, all right, a team member has been afforded let's ship them a box. And that's what normally they do. Once that the box is shipped, they forget about it. They just trust the team member that they're going to send it. And if they do and it gets stuck to the office, it's fine, it's there, and nobody inspects it. They just put it in the closet. And that's it. That's basically what happens. That's the best case scenario, because sometimes 


the ex employee does not even ship it. Right. And so what you avoid by using a platform like ours is exactly that. Right. You are able to have control and automate all of these processes where the moment that someone is off boarded, you don't even have to log into the grower dashboard. We can connect to your HRIS platform, whatever you're using. And automatically, the moment that a team member is afforded, we get the note that, hey, this team member has been afforded, this is his last day, and this is the equipment that they have and we need to recover. So we have a team that is specialized in 


recovering these devices in every single country where we operate, and we cover 150 countries, 


as mentioned earlier. So what that means is that you don't need to worry about know, it's not like we send an email and that's it or a box and that's it. We actually have team members depending on the country because the logistics change, last mile changes depending on the country. There are countries know, logistics infrastructure is well developed, like the US. And Europe, so sending a box works well. There are countries like Brazil or India or the Philippines where if that's not the case and so we have last mile solutions where actual team members show up to the employee or ex employee location and knocks on the door to recover those devices. Right. And so we give you that peace of mind. Those devices are getting recovered. Once that the devices are recovered and they're taken into a local warehouse, they're inspected, we provide a full evaluation of the devices. If they're in good condition or if they need repairs, maintenance, we take care of it. We change the parts and put it back 1.1s in the warehouse so that whenever you need to redeploy those devices, you can see it on your dashboard and see, hey, this device is in perfectly good condition, ready to be deployed whenever we onboard a new team member in that country or another country, and we will assign a device and ship. So that's how organizations are able to optimize 1.6s their It assets globally 


and efficiently. Right. Instead of the old way that has been done, which is even either leaving the devices with the former employee or if you are lucky and recover it, not do anything with that asset but keep it in storage. Yeah. No, again, some of these things. 1.6s I think people just get comfortable with that. It works. Again, whatever this works means in these companies, 1s a lot of times it's not just the headaches of managing it, but it's the cost and the spin. I think when companies put really those numbers along with it, 1.3s I think they'll change their mind. But a couple of last questions for you. See, right now, because of the economy and everything, we talk a lot about ROI. Everything needs to be an ROI and should be an ROI. I personally feel like if you're a company spending, investing really, that's investment. Right. If you invest in a stock, you want to know how your stock is doing, and you want to see an ROI from that same thing in your vendor spend. So can you give us some numbers? You talked a lot today about methodologies and ROI in just more tactical things. But can you give us maybe some numbers by using your platform? Where can customers what kind of numbers? All right. Savings 


or maybe it's time savings. Maybe it's 2.3s monetary savings. What have you seen? Maybe it varies greatly depending on the volume of the turnovers that you have in your organization. Right. How fast you're scaling, 1.8s how many employees come in, how many employees are offported. Obviously, a larger organization, the more complex this operation becomes and the more costly it becomes as well. Right. But I can tell you and your audience that we're able to clearly show customers 


how much we save them. We save them hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars in a matter of months 


just by simply having visibility, 100% visibility on the assets that they have. And they're using. Their team members are using. But the other big part of it, too, is. Gaining access to It equipment that is priced favorably, especially in those countries where 1.2s It equipment is extremely expensive. Right. Case in point, Brazil. Brazil is one of those places where a laptop will cost you anywhere between $6000 to $10,000, right? So 1.6s a lot more expensive than you would expect in the US. Right, for taxes and other of situations that happen there. But we're able to quickly show and value in that sense to our customers by automating and putting their house in order when it comes out to it spent in management. That's kind of the first thing. The second thing is obviously having access to favorable pricing in terms of equipment. And the third one is obviously managing well the lifecycle of those devices, right. Where instead of buying new assets, you can redeploy assets that are in good conditions. That obviously has a clear impact on cost, as you might expect. But yeah, to your point, as you were 


mentioning earlier, we find ourselves in these times in this market where every single company is looking to optimize their costs. And so finding the solutions to your point, like you said, maybe It managers, CEOs, CFOs, they just think, oh, this works. Whatever we're doing, it works. Right. But you're not actually looking at the numbers. Right? And if your priority is to increase your profitability, lower your costs, this should be critical 1.1s point that you should be looking into how much are you spending and what are you doing today to manage better your Apex around it, right? Whether you have a distributed team or not, that should be your priority, right? 3.8s


Yeah, I love how you say the word profit, because profit, it impacts revenue, the top line as well as the bottom line, because there's many ways to increase your profit and margins. Right. So, yeah, no, I love the topic. So the last question for you is you kind of mentioned it earlier, which is fascinating, is AI. So with Chat GPT, just open AI, everything, the AI is like taking over the world. And I think what's happening now is AI, at least for people in the tech world like us, we know that actually it's become somewhat of a commodity. But now the difference is what are people and companies doing with that AI to make it unique? And so when I look at your business model, obviously there's a platform, but then it's also very people heavy involved. So where do you think this AI can maybe just high level vision of how can AI help your business provide more value? Or what more value can it provide to your customers? Absolutely. 


As you mentioned, 


AI is everywhere. Right. 1.1s And there are a lot of expectations out of it. And there might be some magical use cases out there that we haven't thought about yet, but 2.5s we all know how much more efficient each organization is and will be leveraging the power of AI. Right? And so we're no different. Growwork actually has been already using AI tools for quite some time. 2.2s We're 


almost eight months into having launched our AI powered customer support, which effectively enables organizations to handle all of their It 2.1s troubleshooting automatically. So what we do is that with every single company that we work with that wants to use this tool, they have a knowledge base of what are the FAQs 


traditionally for whatever systems they're using or the hardware that they're using. We feed our models with that data so that anytime that an employee has a question, instead of the traditional route of, all right, let me handle your ticket, let me have an It team member handle this, and let me get back to you in 20 minutes, 30 minutes, or whatever that is, we can provide answers and solutions instantly, anywhere, globally. Right. So if a team member has a question around any of this, the issues that may come up during the workday, the platform will handle that automatically, based or empowered by the knowledge base that the customer supplies. Right. And over time, obviously, this systems get smarter because we handle tons of questions and we optimize and ensure that things are always getting better. That's just one example of what we're doing today. Right. The second one that was alluding to earlier is basically forecasting. How do you become better at forecasting your needs, right? So you might have an idea of I'll give you a specific example without naming names, right? Because we have a customer that has over 5000 employees globally and continues to scale pretty fast. And so initially they had shared with us a forecast of their hiring plans for certain countries. And that was completely different or vastly different to what actually ended up happening. So our models were able to capture that data and show them, hey, you know what? Even though you told us that you will be hiring more or this number of employees in this geographies, it turns out that you have been doing this and this others and that if you want to meet up your onboarding targets of getting equipment delivered by the date for this model, you need to place an order of these devices now. Right? And so, the model that we have in place was able to accurately predict where they were going to be growing in certain geographies. And that happens a lot of times because you just have network effects, right? Even though you might want to add engineers in certain geographies, what ends up happening is that if you have great performing engineers in certain area, that just feeds into its own loop and so you start hiring more and more in those regions that you initially had not thought about. So those are the kind of the insights that leveraging AI can give you, right? And so, ultimately, our objective is to provide actionable data to our customers that enables them to be more efficient and save money. That's what we are in the business of. And we're using this technology to help us get 


there. 1s All. Yeah. 1.3s


Again, every time I talk to you. Always learn a lot and love your vision. I think what you just mentioned is amazing. Already excited to see what more you kind of think of. But the last question we always ask every guest we have is, you've seen a lot, you've done a lot. This is your third successful startup. You're an amazing entrepreneur. So again, you've done a lot. So if you have to give one or personal and or business advice that maybe you're passionate about, what do you think? 


That's first. Thanks, Victor, for 




I guess intro 1.4s summary. But look, I look at things as just being curious, right? Always staying curious about what are the problems that you see out there on a daily basis. It's very easy to fall 1.1s into accepting that things are just the way they are, but they shouldn't. So always be curious. Always ask yourself, why is it that way? Should it be that way? Can it be better? And I think that those three basic questions will give you a lot of actionable insights. Right? And I know that it's very difficult to prioritize sometimes, especially in difficult times, 1.6s but yeah, just stay curious. Ensure that you can identify the right problems and that you're solving the right problems. Right? Because the other thing that happens is that you just get easily distracted and start working on things that don't add any value or do not impact to have the impact that your organization really needs. 3.3s


Yeah, no, it's well said. A lot of these things obviously easier said than done, but when you start asking why, then branch it into a lot of other questions and answers and things. 1.3s Awesome, man. Really appreciate it. Carlos, excited to partner with you guys and thanks for thank you, Victor. 


Appreciate again the invitation. 1.8s


That was an amazing episode of the Did you know podcast with Varisource. Hope you enjoyed it and got some great insights from it. Make sure you follow us on social media for the next episode. And if you want to get the best deals from the guests today, make sure to send us a message at sales@varisource.com.